Plakoutsis Georgios

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PhD Candidates


Mr Georgios Plakoutsis has completed his undergraduate studies: a) in Nursing at the former Technological Institute of Athens and b) in Physiotherapy at the University of West Attica in Athens, Greece. Subsequently, he completed his postgraduate studies in London, UK, where he graduated from the Sports Therapy MSc course at the London Metropolitan University.

He has attended many seminars and he has specialised in different therapeutic modalities such as Dry needling, Fascial Movement Taping, OMT IASTM (Instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation) and CPR-AED. Currently, he is a PhD student at the Physiotherapy department of the University of West Attica with supervisor Mrs. Maria Papandreou-Associate professor of Physiotherapy.

His research interests are mainly focused on rehabilitation and the psychological impact of the ankle injuries in professional football players. Moreover, he is a coauthor and an instructor of the e-learning programme titled: Techniques of Myofascial Release of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with scientific responsible Mrs. Maria Panandreou. In addition, he has been teaching as a visiting lecturer in a postgraduate course of the Nursing Department of the university of West Attica titled: Neurological diseases, modern practice based on evidence.

Plakoutsis CV